Stirling Capital Group bridge loans versus Traditional bridge loans


Do you have a need for commercial financing with a short window of opportunity to close?  To successfully obtain commercial real estate financing when the need is urgent, and the deal is competitive, is challenging. Traditional commercial banks have slow approval periods and tight lending criteria.  That’s when commercial real estate investors turn to Stirling Capital Group for their bridge loan needs.  Our portfolio of private bridge loan lenders cut through the barriers that delay your closing.  They measure closing success in terms of days, not weeks or months.  It is not unusual to execute a closing in less than ten working days.

Stirling Capital and our bridge lenders provide the knowledge and experience to quickly assess the potential deal on its merits, not on the strict criteria required at traditional commercial banks.  Commercial banks and other conventional lenders are restricted by regulations, slow moving loan committees and lack of the entrepreneurial spirit.  If it’s outside their check list, chances are slim that the deal will get funding.  And certainly not quickly.  Our lenders deploy capital as direct lenders without the burden of additional approvals, slow underwriting, and one size fits all credit policies.  Each member in our portfolio specializes in specific types of assets.  We have you covered!

Because of their experience and speed, the Stirling bridge lenders can help you take advantage of unexpected opportunities in the marketplace.  Whether it be:

  • undeveloped commercial land

  • new construction lending

  • acquisitions with fast closing timelines

  • distressed properties and turnaround opportunities

  • adaptive re use or renovation needs

  • Bridge – to – HUD financing

Are you looking for speed to closure, customized solutions, and competitive terms?  We specialize in tough deals!  Call Stirling Capital to fund you next opportunity at 614-470-4716 or email us at