Unlocking Capital for Growth: Why CFOs are Leveraging Sale-Leasebacks

Unlocking Capital for Growth: Why CFOs are Leveraging Sale-Leasebacks If you are considering a Sale – Leaseback on your commercial building, contact Stirling Capital Group today.  Stirling can assist you with finding the right buyer.  We have access to CRE...

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Unlock the Power of Sale Leaseback: A Guide to Executing a Successful Transaction on Your Commercial Property

Unlock the Power of Sale Leaseback: A Guide to Executing a Successful Transaction on Your Commercial Property If you are considering a Sale – Leaseback on your commercial building, contact Stirling Capital Group today.  Stirling can assist you with finding...

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Limited time offer: 3.99% fixed interest rate for the initial 12 payments of an SBA commercial real estate loan

Until April 30, 2024, Stirling Capital Group is offering a SBA 7 (a) or 504 loan for owner-occupied commercial real estate with a special promotional rate.  Qualified applicants will receive a 3.99% fully fixed interest rate for the first...

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Stirling Capital Group bridge loans versus Traditional bridge loans

Stirling Capital Group bridge loans versus Traditional bridge loans   Do you have a need for commercial financing with a short window of opportunity to close?  To successfully obtain commercial real estate financing when the need is urgent, and the deal...

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The Growth in Private Lending: A Comprehensive Overview

The Growth in Private Lending: A Comprehensive Overview                     Image Source: FreeImages See below for link to Matt Wirz's article in the Wall Street Journal In April 2022 a white paper published by Proskauer Rose LLP and the Managed Funds Association discussed how...

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Trustworthy Answers to Your Questions About Asset-Based Lending

Many small business owners have questions about any kind of loan. With asset-based lending, there are even more questions floating around. It’s important to separate myth from reality. Knowing the truth about ABL financing can help you make smart...

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Flexible Financing Options for Income-Producing Properties

Stirling Capital Group offers a full range of multifamily finance options on income-producing properties. Lending activities are focused on properties located in the continental United States. Major Canadian cities as well as Puerto Rico will be considered. Program Highlights: Acquisition or...

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Frequently Asked Questions About Equipment Financing

Equipment financing is an amazing tool to help your business, but that doesn’t mean you have to dive in headfirst. There’s nothing wrong with asking questions and learning more about the details. If anything, the more you know, the...

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Credit Repair Tips for Small Businesses

Getting your business’ credit back in good standing is a challenging endeavor, and you are not going to be able to repair major damage just by making a few timely payments on active tradelines. To improve your credit score...

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Stirling Capital Group now offers clients access to Equity Capital

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 10, 2023 Stirling Capital Group 614-470-4716 Info@StirlingCG.com Columbus, Ohio: Stirling Capital Group today announced a new strategic alliance with a large, Private Lending Group that offers equity capital in addition to debt funding. While they focus on larger deal...

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